After all our hard work, I think our exhibition went really well! The lovely man that brought one of my post card photographs has also kept in touch with me, emailing me about my work and how I should further it.
He said about emailing Fort Purbrook and Fort Nelson to see if I could sell my photographs at the Forts.
I took this on board and emailed Fort Nelson with this email...
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a student studying Photography at the University of Portsmouth. For our first brief, we had to create a series of images based on the subject 'Territories'. I therefore decided to photograph Fort Nelson and Fort Purbrook. I showed my final photographs in an exhibition at The Round Tower and a man who brought one of my photographs told me that Fort Nelson produce a paper called the 'Portsmouth Paper'. I would love to see my photographs in the paper as they really portray Fort Nelson beautifully. I displayed my images as if they were a set of post cards on a table at the exhibition. I also think they would work well as being sold as Post Cards in the new cafe there aswell. I have sent you my set of 10 images that I displayed at the exhibition. Please let me know what you think.
Many Thanks,
Lauren Whatling
Still waiting for a reply though..
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